
23. Joel Topf, MD: Acute Kidney Injury, Contrast-Associated Nephropathy, and Precious Bodily Fluids

In this conversation, Daniel Belkin and Mitch Belkin speak with Joel Topf, MD, about contrast-associated nephropathy. We discuss Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), the value of creatinine as a marker for AKI, how to evaluate volume status, the evidence around contrast-induced/contrast-associated nephropathy, recommendations on fluids to prevent AKI in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, and comparing venous and arterial contrast with respect to the risk of AKI.

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Who is Joel Topf?

Dr. Topf is a clinical nephrologist in Detroit, who is a partner and medical director at St Clair Nephrology and an assistant professor at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine. He is the co-creator of NephMadness and NephJC. He hosts multiple podcasts, blogs at, and tweets @Kidney_boy. 
