Check out our previous episodes:
- 46. Ben Strong, MD: Teleradiology and Medical Malpractice
- 45. Steven Hollon, PhD: An Evolutionary Perspective on Depression
- 44. Eliot Siegel, MD: Pioneer in Radiology and Theragnostics
- 43. Marc Gosselin, MD: Overdiagnosis, Critical Thinking, Burnout, and Other Topics in Radiology
- 42. Hussam Alkaissi, MD: Solving Difficult Medical Cases
- 41. Bryan Carmody, MD: Physician Shortages, Resident Unionization, and the OB/GYN ERAS Divorce
- 40. Joann Elmore, MD: Mammography Guidelines and Other Controversies
- 39. Dan Morgan, MD: Diagnostic Stewardship, Medical Overuse, and Contact Precautions
- 38. Robin Hanson, PhD: Healthcare Signaling, the Conspicuous Caring Hypothesis, and Prediction Markets in Medicine
- 37. Simon Whitney, MD, JD: Unethical Research, Unintended Consequences, and the Critical Need for IRB Reform
- 36. John Ayers, PhD: ChatGPT and the Future of Medicine
- 35. Andrew Foy, MD: Critical Appraisal, Austrian Economics, and Medical Conservatism vs Medical Liberalism
- 34. Parker Rogers: How FDA Deregulation Promotes Medical Device Innovation & Safety
- 33. Ross Levine, MD, PhD: Deep Dive on Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- 32. Adam J Brown, MD: History of Rheumatology, The Black Death, and Why You Shouldn’t Inject Uric Acid Crystals into Your Knee
- 31. Saloni Dattani: Peer Review, Division of Labor in Science, and the Genetics of Psychiatric Disorders
- 30. Polly Matzinger, PhD: Dangerous Ideas in Immunology
- 29. Derek Lowe, PhD: A Medicinal Chemist’s Thoughts on Drug Discovery and the Future of Pharma
- 28. Jean Hébert, PhD: Aging, Brain Plasticity, and Replacing the Neocortex
- 27. Paul Offit, MD: The Cost of Medical Innovation, DDT and Malaria, and Bivalent Covid-19 Boosters
- 26. Carl Schneider, JD: Patient Decision-Making, Questioning Informed Consent, and Why IRBs Should Be Abolished
- 25. Adam Cifu, MD: On Ending Medical Reversals and Reimagining Medical Education
- 24. Sekar Kathiresan, MD: Pioneering Single Dose Medications to Cure Cardiovascular Disease
- 23. Joel Topf, MD: Acute Kidney Injury, Contrast-Associated Nephropathy, and Precious Bodily Fluids
- 22. John Cochrane, PhD: The Economics of Affordable Healthcare
- 21. Christy Chapin, PhD: Bad Incentives, the AMA, and How US Healthcare Became Dysfunctional
- 20. Jason Ryan, MD: Physician Entrepreneurship, Boards and Beyond, and How to Improve Medical Education
- 19. Rick Johnson, MD: Fructose, Metabolic Syndrome, and Bipolar Disorder
- 18. Nikhil Krishnan: Healthtech Startups, Dank Memes, and Zero to One in Healthcare
- 17. Robert Montgomery, MD: Immunology, Pig Organs, and the Future of Transplantation
- 16. Ben White, MD: Radiology, Medical Education, and Blogging
- 15. Michael Levin, PhD: Limb Regeneration, Bioelectricity, and Why Neurons Aren’t Special
- 14. Daniel Burka: How to Design Successful and User-friendly Healthcare Applications
- 13. Stephan Guyenet, PhD: GLP-1, Semaglutide, and the Big Future of Weight Loss Therapies
- 12. Emily Oster, PhD: Breastfeeding Recommendations, Rising C-section Rates, and Other Controversies
- 11. Katherine Flegal, PhD: The Obesity Wars and the Politicization of Science
- 10. Karl Friston on Understanding Schizophrenia using the Free Energy Principle
- 9. Fructose and Fat Storage: An Evolutionary Perspective with Rick Johnson, MD
- 8. John Mandrola, MD: Medical Conservatism, Myocarditis, and Physician Advocacy
- 7. The Epigenetics of Aging & Dispelling mRNA Vaccine Myths with Yuri Deigin
- 6. The Case for Medical Education Reform with Bryan Carmody, MD
- 5. Diagnostic Reasoning and Medical Overuse with Deborah Korenstein, MD
- 4. The Invisible Graveyard: A Conversation with Economist Alex Tabarrok
- 3. When Modern Medicine Goes Too Far: A Discussion with Paul Offit, MD
- 2. Metformin and the Biology of Aging with Nir Barzilai, MD
- 1. Fluvoxamine as a potential treatment for COVID-19